The Island of Lost Girls * A Must-See Family Thriller With A Captivating Storyline, Outstanding Performances And Breathtaking Cinematography
Three young girls try to stick together as they get trapped in a sea cave filled with crashing waves, hundreds of sea lions, and giant elephant seals.
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Hanadie K. comments, “I love The Island of Lost Girls! Its captivating storyline, outstanding performances by young actresses who fearlessly handle their own stunts and breathtaking cinematography on a remote island make it a must-see family thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat.” Selene W. adds, “The Island of Lost Girls is a strange juxtaposition of a childhood “Mission Impossible” combined with “Survivor.” As a viewer I felt a bit lost in this film. The storyline follows three orphaned girls who seek adventure together on the beach in California.” Gavin S. wraps it up with, “The Island Of Lost Girls is an action-packed film that is a roller coaster of emotions and lots of plot twists. I really enjoyed this film because of the lessons you learn, and the adventures you take. The storyline is filled with exciting moments that make the whole experience even better.”