If you work in the broadcasting industry, you may be familiar with the term “podfading.” Podfading occurs when a podcast host discontinues their show without any intention of ending it, or when the host gradually reduces the frequency of releasing new podcast episodes from their original schedule. This can happen for various reasons, such as the host becoming too busy, feeling dissatisfied with their listener numbers, or losing motivation to create new content. Essentially, the host abandons their podcast or radio show altogether. However, at the VoiceAmerica Network, we offer services that eliminate the need to worry about “podfading,” enabling hosts to consistently release episodes—as long as they attend the scheduled Zoom meetings!

According to Podcast Industry Insights courtesy of Daniel J. Lewis, a staggering 88.98% of all podcasts have remained inactive in the past 90 days, meaning they haven’t published a single episode during this period. This statistic becomes even more striking when considering the sheer volume of podcasts in existence today. To put it in perspective, there are currently at least 3 million podcasts out there, according to ListenNotes. To add more context, research by Amplifi and Podnews.net reveals that a significant 44% of podcasts have less than 3 episodes, demonstrating the challenges many creators face in sustaining their shows. Further narrowing down the active podcast landscape, only approximately 720k podcasts have managed to produce more than 10 episodes. Even within this group, a mere 156k podcasts maintain a weekly release schedule.

Maintaining a show can be a challenging endeavor, especially when hosts must handle every aspect, from recording to editing and beyond. VoiceAmerica steps in to alleviate this daunting process, affording hosts more time and energy to focus on their content and guests. By meeting with hosts at their designated show times every week, VoiceAmerica’s engineers play a pivotal role in diminishing the likelihood of podfading, providing consistent support and encouragement. Additionally, our executive producers offer invaluable support, aiding hosts in various tasks and facilitating idea brainstorming, ensuring hosts never feel like they’re navigating this journey alone. In a podcasting landscape where so many struggle to keep their shows active, VoiceAmerica’s comprehensive support can make all the difference in sustaining a thriving podcast.

Here are several effective strategies to steer clear of podfading when you find yourself slipping into a creative or motivational slump:

  1. Choose a Sustainable Topic: Opt for a podcast topic that genuinely excites you and aligns with your expertise. Passion for your subject matter will naturally fuel your motivation to produce episodes consistently. It’s essential to pick a topic that will maintain your interest over the long term.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Clearly define the purpose of your podcast, identify your target audience, and set achievable goals. Realism is key; don’t overextend yourself by setting overly ambitious expectations. Knowing your limits and resources will help you sustain your podcasting journey.
  3. Create a Content Schedule (if you don’t have one already): Establish a regular content release schedule that suits your capacity, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Consistency in your publishing schedule is crucial for retaining your current audience and attracting new listeners.
  4. Batch Recording: Recording multiple episodes in one session can create a buffer of content. This buffer helps ensure you have episodes ready to release even during busy periods or when inspiration temporarily wanes.
  5. Plan Ahead: Develop an editorial calendar that outlines topics, episode ideas, and potential guest appearances well in advance. This proactive planning eliminates last-minute content gaps and reduces the stress of scrambling for ideas.
  6. Delegate Tasks & Seek Feedback: If possible, involve others in the podcast production process. Co-hosts, producers, or editors can share the workload and provide valuable motivation and feedback. Continuously seek feedback from listeners, peers, or mentors to improve your podcast. Constructive criticism helps you refine your content, and the growth that comes with improvement can reignite your motivation.
  7. Engage with Your Audience: Foster a connection with your audience through social media, email newsletters, or podcasting platforms. The feedback and engagement from your listeners can be a powerful motivator, reminding you of your impact.
  8. Monetize Smartly: While monetization can be a goal, prioritize delivering value to your audience above all else. Overemphasizing monetization can lead to a loss of passion. Keep your audience’s needs at the forefront.
  9. Take Breaks: It’s perfectly acceptable to schedule short breaks or plan for podcasting seasons to prevent burnout. Be sure to communicate these breaks with your audience to manage their expectations.
  10. Invest in Quality: Invest in good podcasting equipment. A professional setup can make the podcasting process more enjoyable and motivate you to create high-quality content.
  11. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on industry trends, podcasting technology, and changes within your niche. Staying informed can reignite your interest and keep your content fresh and relevant.
  12. Collaborate: Collaborate with other hosts or experts in your field. Joint episodes can inject new energy into your show and bring in a fresh perspective for both you and your listeners. Engage with other podcasters by joining online communities or forums. Sharing experiences, challenges, and solutions with peers can provide valuable support and motivation.
  13. Celebrate Milestones: Recognize and celebrate your podcast milestones, whether it’s reaching a certain number of episodes, hitting a listener milestone, or achieving any other significant goal. Celebrating these accomplishments can motivate you to keep pushing forward.
  14. Remind Yourself of Your Why: Periodically revisit the reasons why you started your podcast in the first place. Reconnecting with your initial purpose can reignite your motivation and remind you of the impact you aim to make.
  15. Stay Open to Evolution: Be open to evolving your podcast as your interests and your audience’s needs change. It’s okay to pivot or adapt your content to stay engaged and keep your podcast relevant in a changing landscape.

By incorporating these strategies into your podcasting or radio show journey, you can navigate creative and motivational slumps more effectively and maintain a sustainable, engaging show over the long term.

Ultimately, the success and longevity of a podcast depend on the host’s commitment, their ability to adapt, their connection with their audience, and the fulfillment they derive from podcasting. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how many episodes people usually quit after. Remember that podcasting and hosting a radio show can be a long-term endeavor. While initial enthusiasm is essential, it’s commitment and dedication that will see you through potential challenges and prevent podfading. VoiceAmerica is determined in its mission to streamline the show production process, alleviating the burdens that can lead to podfading. This, in turn, grants hosts the luxury of dedicating more time to crafting engaging content and reaching out to potential guests.