A troubled security guard begins working at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. During his first night on the job, he realizes that the night shift won’t be so easy to get through. Pretty soon he will unveil what actually happened at Freddy’s.
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Mikella G. comments, “Five Nights at Freddy’s is a comedic horror film, filled with intensity and suspense. It brought me to the edge of my seat and kept me wanting more… The message of Five Nights at Freddy’s is to listen to your heart and never give up on what you believe in.” See her full review below.
Five Nights at Freddy’s
By Mikella G., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 17
Five Nights at Freddy’s is a comedic horror film, filled with intensity and suspense. It brought me to the edge of my seat and kept me wanting more.
Based on the popular and highly-engaging video game, the storyline follows Mike (Josh Hutcherson), who is struggling to make it financially while having to care for his younger sister. He gets offered a security job night shift for the abandoned “Freddy’s Pizzeria” and, at first, is hesitant, but eventually realizes that he has no choice. Mike struggles with past family trauma and has very vivid dreams at night. When he starts to fall asleep at work his dreams get longer and clearer. He soon learns that the job he has taken can be the answer to more things than he could have ever imagined.

A huge standout in this film is the cinematography. Every camera angle holds so much purpose, and is made with such intention. Moods are created from a singular camera angle and set the tone for the entire film. For example, the flashbacks scenes that accompany Mike’s dreams focus on specific moments to highlight their importance. The director, Chris Columbus, creates this uncomfortable feeling through his work, and delivers an outstanding film.

Additionally, I really enjoyed the suspense throughout the entire movie. I never knew what was going to happen next, and I was riveted to the screen. I wanted to cover my eyes, but didn’t want to look away at the same time! There is the perfect amount of scariness, laughter and surprise. Lastly, the message of this film is both heartwarming and intriguing. The importance of never giving up is highlighted in such an interesting way and can almost be hard to spot. However, at the end, even though we are left wanting more, it is clear that hope is one of the only ways to get through life. Joy and happiness is a must in order to continue successfully, and that is the underlying meaning of this movie.
The message of Five Nights at Freddy’s is to listen to your heart and never give up on what you believe in. Be forewarned that this film does include gruesome content.
I give Five Nights at Freddy’s 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. You can watch Five Nights at Freddy’s in theaters and on Peacock October 27, 2023.