“The greatest gift you can give to the world
is when you attain who you truly are and manifest that.”
Zen master Bon Soeng.

Starting the new year 2024, let’s not forget the steps that led us to today’s conscious achievement. It’s not about doing a business review or a personal assessment of our success in life. It’s about a conscious review. “What have I accomplished this past year that brought me closer to my life mission?”
Given the current socio-political landscape on the planet and the 21st-century paradigm shift, wouldn’t it be more empowering to ask oneself questions like, “What efforts have I made to contribute to elevating humanity this year?” or “What steps have I taken to align with my higher Self?” and “In what ways have I expanded my mind, shifting from the personal ‘I’ to a universal consciousness?” Because, after all, the 21st century is all about “awakening” and self-transformation.
Whether it is from a business or personal lens, the moment you shift consciousness, you see and interact with the world differently. You are on a higher plane of vibration and existence, and your actions become grounded and aligned with your life mission. Simple and powerful, isn’t it? Yet, it is challenging for our Western societies to adapt to this transitional phase, which gives rise to polarities and resistance to the inevitable planetary “awakening.” Let’s celebrate this “awakening” that will take humanity to a better place.
This was the focal point of “Tea Break with” podcast this past year. Drawing from diverse backgrounds, my guests shared insights on the urgency of this “awakening” and provided valuable tools and reflections to facilitate alignment with the new paradigm. The following offers an overview of their contributions to the “Tea Break with” podcast.
EPISODES of 2023
· January: “We don’t practice Zen to believe something, become something, or to get something. We practice Zen in order to wake up and realize our enlightened nature.”
The subtitle of “Tea Break with” is the Zen Code to Self-Transformation.” Consequently, it is only natural that we commenced January by demystifying numerous Zen concepts with Zen teacher Jason Quinn from the Kwan Um School of Zen. At the core of Zen lies the fundamental question, “Who am I?” which transcends cultural, social, political, religious, and philosophical differences. “Who am I?” marks the beginning of your inner journey towards awakening and self-realization. Be inspired: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/141262/a-zen-perspective-jason-quinn
· February: “Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived through.” (Jonathan)
Jonathan Leger-Raymond and Tammy Kohlschmidt refer to the new conscious perspective on health that transforms the dynamic interplay of mind and body into a self-transformational path, splitting from the old paradigm of single health problem-solving. As Jonathan and Tammy explain, conscious mind-body practice is beyond the end goal of health; it is to help you fulfill your life mission. Jonathan and Tammy advocate Ayurvedic and holistic mindsets as a natural way of life for self-transformation beyond a standard health goal. Be one in Mind-Body: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/142595/elevate-your-mind-body-dynamic
· March: “MeaVana is your digital sanctuary (“Mea” is “my” in Latin; “Vana” is “forest” or “sanctuary” in Hindi)” (Shiv Dutt) / “My music offers to speak openly of love, loss, vulnerability, and kindness to bring people to their true human nature” (Freddie Atlas)
See how Freddie Atlas, a song writer, uses his creativity to raise self-awareness in today’s social polarities from a place of Oneness rather than separation; and see how Shiv Dutt through his innovative dashboard concept aligns his business with the principles of conscious business putting forward qualities like collaboration and responsibility. Looking into the future: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/143059/social-and-business-consciousness
· April: “If you want to understand the present, look at your past actions. If you want to know about the future, look at your present actions. If you truly attain the present moment, you can change your life.” (based on a Zen quote)
There is a large selection of mind-body practices and spiritual approaches to choose from, and sometimes it becomes overwhelming. Explore them but choose only one and deepen it. Don’t be scattered. In the end, whatever modality you choose, it should aim essentially at “awakening” through steady practice. How does teaching/dharma become your grounding and centering platform? Kari Holst (Reiki master) and Sam Rafoss (holistic coach) share their views on Conscious living. Are you ready? https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/143540/conscious-living-made-simple
· May: “You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.” Kafka (Frida)
If “health” has been redefined from a conscious perspective, what about “mental health”, as it becomes a serious concern in today’s reality? Frida Schneider, a medical doctor in the field of psychiatry, and Mary Sise, a clinical social worker and holistic practitioner, share with us how
their spiritual angle in their respective fields of expertise opens the gate to self-transformation and healing. One field of consciousness: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/145037/awakening-in-mental-health
· June: “Leadership resides inside of us. Completely being accountable for oneself. Leadership is how you take on your role fully with consciousness.” (Kathy) / “Be only a yogi as you traverse this lifetime, don’t worry about the past. Use yoga to mould yourself into who you will be becoming.” (Sapna).
What the world is going through is part of what many call “conscious evolution.” But how do we face this new reality? How can we find centeredness, balance, and even thrive in such times? Kathy Park (Zen master) and Sapna Donthi Dutt (yoga master) are sharing with us their own experience, practice, thoughts, and insights to give listeners a solid direction. Reconnect with the leader in you: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/145494/facing-todays-new-paradigm
· July: “A New Universal Dream”– Steve Farrell explains in his latest book how he shifted from a successful career at Silicon Valley to a life in service to humanity.
Steve Farrell, visionary CEO of Humanity’s Team organization, is a pioneer of the new consciousness along with Neale Donald Walsch, co-founder of the organization. He shares with us the main concepts from his latest book. What does “in service” mean? Why does Steve believe awakening is important on the planet now? How does Humanity’s Team contribute to creating a conscious culture? And what is the “universal dream” that Steve speaks about? Join the conscious community: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/145786/steve-farrell-and-a-new-universal-dream
· August: “Beauty is not just about appearance; it’s about your inner light and the reflection of your authentic self” (Tammy) / “Openness to personal growth is the success in any relationship. Because if we don’t grow, neither does the relationship.” (Anna).
“Facing the Conscious Mirror” is a metaphor to address our self-paradigms, including self-image, self-confidence, and self-esteem through a conscious gaze distinct from society’s reductive ideological view. Let’s step through the conscious mirror with Tammy Kohlschmidt, a Body-Talk coach, and Anna Lee Ambrose, an Integrative coach, to empower ourselves in our personal life and relationships with others. Mirror, mirror on the wall…: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/146356/facing-the-conscious-mirror
· September: What “the quark” do we know? Quantum physics questions our perception of reality and the universe, always wanting to “know” the truth. But even at the level of
quark, what do we really know? And what is the truth? From a spiritual perspective, we take a different route to the same goal–it’s about the state of “don’t know” mind.
But what does it mean in our regular life, or what does it add to our spiritual practice? With Zen master Soeng Hyang (Bobby Rhodes) and Reiki master Wendy Lipson, we are looking at the empowering space of “don’t know” mind where true consciousness and healing spring. What do you know? https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/146732/what-the-quark-do-we-know
· October: “The world needs creativity more than ever. There is a creative force that calls to each of us, inspiring meaning and beauty in our lives.” ~ Deborah Anne Quibell
Living outside the box leads to an empowering way to relate to yourself and others and experience the world from a higher vibration. Jane Ramsey, an artist and transformational coach, and Andrea Swanner, a conscious business coach, give their perspectives on what it means for them to live in your creativity and off the beaten path. The power of creativity: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/147118/living-outside-the-box
· November: “There is no sense talking about “being true to yourself” until you are sure what voice you are being true to.” Marion Woodman
As a transformational vocal coach Lynn Singer steps outside the mainstream and takes people through self-transformation. She shares with us the importance of being aligned with our authentic voices to speak our true Self. Your voice is connected to your soul and so much more. She uses her talents and expertise to help us all bring our voice into a mission. Change your voice. Change your life. Change the world.
What is the vibration of your true voice? https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/147620/change-your-voice-change-your-life-change-the-world
· December: “Your Heart Knows The Way; Run In That Direction” – Rumi (Jenny)/ “Contrary to popular belief, the best way to climb to the top of the ladder is to take others up there with you.” Maria Eitel
In this December podcast, we focus on the intrinsic power of women that contributes to the emergent conscious paradigm of Oneness of the 21st century. And most importantly, women and the new conscious leadership. Sher Sing (Arts & Culture taskforce Chair of BPW International Standing Committee) and Jenny Gulamani- Abdulla (CEO & Founder of Gulamani-Abdulla & Co., Immigration Consulting) share with us their insights into women’s organizations, self-empowerment, and conscious leadership for the future.
Women and conscious leadership: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/147885/women-and-new-consciousness
Enjoy the episodes! Gratitude to all my guests and the listeners for joining “Tea Break with” podcast in 2023 and for contributing to the conscious humanity of the future. Together, let’s continue empowering humanity as much as we can and bring peace on earth.