A song-filled new Air Bud ‘Pup Star’ movie that introduces four new pups to the family, who stow away on
Santa’s sleigh and find themselves trapped at the North Pole, trying to save the world’s Christmas spirit.
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Abigail Zoe L. comments, “The movie Puppy Star Christmas is a fun and
entertaining holiday family film. It is full of upbeat music, dancing, humor and has a wonderful timeless
message. I absolutely loved every second of this movie and would have stayed to watch it a second time
right then and there!” Nathalia J. adds, “This film delivers a very special message. It’s not about the gifts;
it is about being with family. The pups show that meaning in this film. This touching movie will have you
singing Christmas songs on your way to school, work and perhaps your Christmas recital.” Jolleen M.
adds, “This is a perfect film for everyone in the family. It not only has a good message, but it also is
hilarious and will put you right into the Christmas spirit.” Damon F. wraps it up with, “I am not usually a fan
of musicals, but this movie is better than some that I’ve seen. I really like how the dogs are animated in
this movie. It really looks as if they are actually talking and dancing. That makes the movie as entertaining
as it is.” See their full reviews and cast interviews below

Puppy Star Christmas
By Abigail Zoe L., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11
The movie Puppy Star Christmas is a fun and entertaining holiday family film. It is full of upbeat music,
dancing, humor and has a wonderful timeless message. I absolutely loved every second of this movie and
would have stayed to watch it a second time right then and there!
This Pup Star story picks up when Tiny (Kaitlyn Maher) and P.U.P. (Mackenzie Sol) get married and have
a very adorable litter of puppies that includes Brody, Rosie, Charlie and Cindy. These four pups are
always getting into trouble. Thinking they are on Santa Claus’ “naughty list” for eating the family’s turkey
and pumpkin pie, they head to the North pole with the hope of talking to Santa to get back onto his “nice”
list. While there, they uncover Bark, Kano, Roland and Julio’s scheme to sabotage Pup Star and control
the Christmas spirit. There is a wonderful heartfelt twist at the end with some of the characters that I won’t
give away.
My favorite scene is when P.U.P., played by the extremely talented singer, Mackenzie Sol, and Lou’s dad
Steven, played by David DeLuise, are awaiting the birth of P.U.P.’s four adorable puppies. They are both
so nervous. Steven paces back and forth while giving P.U.P. a “pup” talk. Another one of my favorite
scenes is at the North Pole when the elves and reindeer dance to the uplifting musical number, “This is
the Best Christmas Ever.”
My favorite character is the ever funny Roland, played by Jed Rees, who is always getting into trouble.
Throughout the movie he continually becomes more and more addicted to candy canes. After kidnapping
Santa he also begins to look like Santa Claus
The music, songs and singing voices of Kaitlyn Maher and Mackenzie Sol are pup-tastic and will melt
your heart. Listening to the music made me feel as if I wanted to jump up from my seat, start dancing and
sing along. The special effects include talking animals and dancing reindeers that look amazingly real.
The heartfelt message of this Christmas story is about the importance of spending time with family, being
grateful not greedy and second chances. This joyous fun family film is perfect for ages 3 to 18, as well as
adults because of its universal and timeless messages. It will definitely put us all in the holiday spirit and I
give it 5 out of 5 Puppy Stars. It’s available on Netflix November 20, 2018 so look for it.

Puppy Star Christmas
By Nathalia J., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 10
“It is Christmas in the heart, that puts Christmas in the air!” once said W.T Ellis. Jingle bells, Jingle bells,
Jingle all the way. Yup, it’s Christmas time – presents, cookies, family and vacation time. This astonishing,
touching, intriguing, heart-warming, well-intentioned and adorable movie is directed by Robert Vince and
written by Pier Rae and Robert Vince.
This film follows Tiny and P.U.P whose four new pups take a trip into the dark night sky with a special
guest named Santa Claus. Trouble comes with they find themselves with the evil dog Bark and trapped at
the North Pole. The pups get saved, but you’ll have to see the movie to know how. This song-filled new
Air Bud “Pup Star” movie will have you enjoying the Christmas spirit.
The lead characters in this film are Tiny (voiced by Kaitlyn Maher), P.U.P (voiced by Mackenzie Sol), Lou
(Mackenzie Moss), Santa Claus (Richard Riehle), Rosie (voiced by Vivienne Rutherford) and
complemented by many more
My absolute favorite part of this film, without giving anything away, is when the Christmas spirit is saved. I
love how the four pups set on a quest to find Santa Claus and recover the true meaning of Christmas with
the help of their family. I think this part of the film will charm many because of the huge heart the little
pups have!
This film delivers a very special message. It’s not about the gifts; it is about being with family. The pups
show that meaning in this film. This touching movie will have you singing Christmas songs on your way to
school, work and perhaps your Christmas recital.
I give this film 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 7 to 14, as well as adults. This film will release
exclusively on NETFLIX on November 20, 2018. Make sure to check it out!

Puppy Star Christmas
By Jolleen M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14
This is a perfect film for everyone in the family. It not only has a good message, but it also is hilarious and
will put you right into the Christmas spirit.
In the film, Tiny and P.U.P. get married and shortly after, they have four pups named Charlie, Rosie,
Cindy and Brody. Tiny and P.U.P are busy and aren’t able to spend much time with their new pups. The
pups become a little rebellious and decide it is a good idea to sneak onto Santa’s sleigh when he visits
their parents’ show. This causes them to get stuck at the North Pole and leaves everyone worried.
Meanwhile, they don’t know that the real Santa has been captured and replaced by their old enemy who
wants to destroy Christmas.
Kaitlyn Maher, Mackenzie Moss and Mackenzie Sol are back again for Pup Star’s fourth film! They excel
in showing the pups’ emotions with their voice acting, as always. We also have some new voice actors for
the puppies – Dillon Fontana, Vivienne Rutherford, Chloe Coleman and Oakley Bull. They all sound sassy
and super adorable! They have the perfect voices for the cute pups.
Since Tiny, P.U.P. and the pups have to go on stage a lot, they wear many different outfits. All of their
outfits are very stylish and unique! I wish they sold costumes like those so I could get them for my dog. I
love how the costumes match each puppy’s unique characteristics. Even though they all look very similar,
it helps to have them in different outfits so you know who is who. The animation of the dogs is amazing. It
matches well with the voice of the actors. There are also scenes where the dogs are animated to dance.
That is hilarious. They have a lot of talent.
My favorite scene was the one after Tiny and P.U.P. said their vows. The people and the dogs got up and
started dancing. The dogs go crazy with their moves. I was really impressed.
The message of this film is all about the meaning of the true Christmas spirit. Some people believe that
Christmas is only about getting gifts. People become greedy and only like Christmas for the presents.
This film teaches that Christmas is a time of giving, sharing and getting along with others. It is about
spending time and reconnecting with your family. Even though this is message is promoted in other
Christmas films, it is still an important moral that some people don’t seem to understand.
This is the fourth film in the Pup Stars series and definitely lives up to the other ones. I give this film 4 out
of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 3 to 18. If you haven’t checked out the first three films, be sure to
check those out as well as this one! Puppy Star Christmas comes out on Netflix on November 20, 2018.
Look for it!
Puppy Star Christmas
Damon F., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11

I am not usually a fan of musicals, but this movie is better than some that I’ve seen. I really like how the
dogs are animated in this movie. It really looks as if they are actually talking and dancing. That makes the
movie as entertaining as it is.
Puppy Star Christmas is a Christmas themed sequel to Pup Star 2 that follows the Pup Star company makin
a Christmas special right after Tiny has puppies. The movie follows the pup’s parents getting
ready for Christmas. It also focuses on the pups as they carry out some crazy ideas and plans that
sometimes get them into trouble. For example, the pups decide to go to the North Pole to meet Santa, but
while trying to do that, some evil dogs are trying to take over Christmas! Tiny and the Pup Star staff are
working on the Christmas special while searching for the missing pups.
The four new members to the Pup Star family are Brody (Dillon Fontana), an adventurous little pup that
thinks of something fun to do and his sisters usually follow. Rosie (Vivienne Rutherford) is the pup who
always thinks of herself as the star of everything. Cindy (Oakley Bull) is the pup who knows when
something will go wrong, but none of her siblings ever listen to her. Last is Charlie (Chloe Coleman), the
sarcastic one, who has some of the best lines.
My favorite scene in this movie is when the elves sing “The Worst Christmas Ever,” while the villains think
they are singing the same thing as they are – “The Best Christmas Ever.” Another good scene is when the
reindeers bring Roland to the Pup Star stage. The reindeers are doing loop the loops, while going as fast
as they can, just to be mean to Roland. My favorite character is Brody, because he is adventurous and he
loves to eat, just like me. He also comes up with a bunch of crazy ideas that get him in trouble, but I don’t
think he will ever learn. For example, in the beginning of the film Brody tries to eat both the turkey and the
pumpkin pie. That really gets him into trouble.
The message of this movie is that Christmas isn’t just about the gifts; it is about being with family. The
pups show that throughout the entire film. I rate this film 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 3 to
18, because it is an amusing movie that shows the meaning of Christmas in a great way. I think adults will
enjoy watching this film with their children. This movie will be available exclusively on Netflix on
November 20, 2018 so look for it!
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