Video game bad guy Ralph and fellow misfit Vanellope von Schweetz must risk it all by traveling
to the World Wide Web in search of a replacement part to save Vanellope’s video game, “Sugar
Rush.” In way over their heads, Ralph and Vanellope rely on the citizens of the internet — the
netizens — to help navigate their way, including an entrepreneur named Yesss, who is the head
algorithm and the heart and soul of trend-making site BuzzzTube. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic
Abraham F. comments, “Ralph Breaks the Internet is a colorful, fun-filled adventure that builds
on characters and friendships. Going into this movie I thought it was going to be a predictable
and boring washed-up sequel. That is not the case.” Na’im S. adds, “Ralph Breaks the
Internet is an astonishing new film that’s full humor and excitement.” See their full
reviews below.
Ralph Breaks the Internet
By Abraham Finer, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic. age 13

Ralph Breaks the Internet is a colorful, fun-filled adventure that builds on characters and
friendships. Going into this movie I thought it was going to be a predictable and boring washed-
up sequel. That is not the case. The film builds upon the friendship that Ralph and Venellope
have with each other. The climax of the movie is a heartwarming test of their friendship which
brings light that friends don’t always need to agree on everything.
Ralph Breaks the Internet is about Mr. Litwack installing the Internet to his arcade and his
“Sugar Rush” game breaking, which leads to their adventure through the internet. Mr. Litwack
orders the parts on eBay, but it costs $200 which is more than the game makes a year. Ralph
and Venellope overhear him talking and decide to go on a quest to find the part and save
Venellope’s game. They travel to the router and get transported to the magical world of the
Internet. They awe at the vibrant colors and variety of the internet and go directly go to the
search bar where they ask to go to eBay. When they realize they have to bid for the wheel, they
bid the highest number they can think of, not realizing they have to pay. This causes them to go
on an epic adventure to get $27,001 in under 24 hours or else the item would be re-bid. They
find a pop-up ad that shows them how to make money playing video games. They decide to get
a car owned by Shank. They race Shank until they get beat by her. She gives them a tip and
tells Venellope she races well.
My favorite scene is when they go to the Disney section of the Internet and we see a whole lot
of cameos from favorite characters such as Eeyore and Stan Lee. I especially love when
Venellope is being chased by Stormtroopers and goes into the princess lounge where she
teaches them about modern comforts. I found that hilarious.

This film has huge star power. Ralph is voiced by John C. Reilly, the man behind Step Brothers
and The Sisters Brothers. Also, Sarah Silverman plays Venelope who started in SNL and has
appeared in The battle of the Sexes.
The message of this movie is that, even if you are best friends with someone that doesn’t mean
you can’t disagree. This movie has nothing be inappropriate for kids. I recommend it for ages 7
to 18 and give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. It is in theaters now so look for it.
Ralph Breaks the Internet
By Na’im Smith, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13
Ralph Breaks the Internet is an astonishing new film that’s full humor and excitement. It
is about Ralph aka Wreck it Ralph who goes on a trip with his best friend Vanellope into
the internet to buy a steering wheel for Vanellope’s game so it doesn’t get shut down.
The internet is a whole new thing for Ralph and his friends and they walk into some
trouble while trying to get the wheel. A few of the inconveniences they run into are not
knowing where to go and also not having money. Before Ralph and Vanellope find out
they need money, they place a bid of $27,000 on the steering wheel. When they get to
checkout and they don’t have money, the cashier says they have 24 hours before their
bid expires. That’s when they embark on their journey through the internet.
All the same characters from the original movie Wreck it Ralph are in this film and there
are even some new ones introduced. Nathan Warner, the cinematography director
excels at giving the movie a realistic cartoonish look. It really fits in with the whole video
game plot and scenery. The theme is that friendships come in all shapes and sizes and
that friends are forever.
If you plan on bringing kids under 11 or 12, I strongly recommend that you watch the
trailer with them and ask if they would want to see the full movie because there are a lot
of puns about Twitter and a lot of jokes that I don’t think younger kids will get. I’m not
saying that you shouldn’t bring younger kids, because they will still understand the
majority of what’s happening and enjoy the film, but the director geared this film for older
audiences such as 12 and above. I recommend this for ages 10 to 18, as well as adults.
It seemed that the adults were laughing more than the kids during the movie. I give it 4
out of 5 stars because it is a hilarious movie that kept me interested for all two hours.

Make sure you stay for both scenes after the credits. You can find this movie in USA
theaters November 21, 2018 and worldwide in the days and weeks after. Put it on your
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