Dr. Jean Marie Farish, Voice America World Talk Radio Empowerment Show Host -LOVE LIGHT, pays tribute to Viki Winterton, special Guest during the Inaugural Month of January 2020 for the show, “Authentic Self-Expression and Expert Insights”. Viki is Founder of Expert Insights Publishing, Family of Opportunity and Home of Bestselling Award-Winning Books and Magazines. Dr. Farish came to know Viki as a result of being one of 35 award winners of the global Fourth Annual Transformational Writing Contest for her book, proposal, “The Long Journey Home”; and was very fortunate to receive Viki’s award to be featured in PUBLISHED! Magazine with a global interview. Dr. Farish has been featured twice on the covers of PUBLISHED! Magazine, and has contributed to 5 international award-winning bestselling books published by Viki including: Are You the Missing Piece, My Big Idea Book, My Journal My Journey, My Creative Thoughts, and co-authored My Joy Journal for children in English and Spanish. They both have donated My Joy Journal books to charities and hospitals. Dr. Jean Marie Farish was an award recipient at the 2020 EIPPY Awards Extravaganza in Manzanillo, Mexico. She received the awards for the international bestseller, My Joy Journal, EIPPY Mindful Award, and Radio Interview with Viki that attracted 250,000 listeners. Tune in to the Empowerment Channel and listen on-demand to the show, “Authentic Self-Expression and Expert Insights”. Dr. Farish’s global interview with Viki is on-demand on Write Now! Online Radio Write Now www.blogtalkradio.com/writenow