Now more than ever, when the world seems chaotic and influx, is time to ground and nourish ourselves with rich resources that feed the mind, expand the heart, and speak of truth.
I want to share this life-enhancing Magazine with you. Simran is a dear friend who has been sharing this beautiful publication for the last decade. Let it fill you up!. Read it, and share it with others so that we empower our world. Access 11:11Magazine’s NEWEST ISSUE here: http://bit.ly/1111Mag-Sept2020 …
and find more archived issues and 11:11 Talk radio shows at www.1111mag.com
Again, the direct link to September’s POWERFUL issue: http://bit.ly/1111Mag-Sept2020
11:11 is symbolic of the four levels of being: mental – emotional – physical – spiritual. It represents the areas to grow and balance as you bridge your human experience and highest expression through the sacred geometry within you that are: Truth – Growth – Energy – Wisdom – Unification. 11:11 Magazine invites YOU to become one with the pages as your soul meanders through remembering.
Enjoy this priceless gift… and find yourself within it!
It is time! 11:11… Make a wish!