Janet and Joan play with Jim Self in heart space. They talk about abundance, the heart found in beauty, the beauty of heart. Â When we are in present time we have choices. Â JIM SELF is an international speaker, author and leader in the field of spiritual development. He has been leading seminars on personal energy management and the Tools of Mastering Alchemy for over 30 yrs. Jim is the author of What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Why Now is the Time to Release Who You Are Not and Remember Who You Are and Spirit Matters: Down to Earth Tools for a Spirited Life. He offers free live tele-seminars, videos, webinar recordings and essential tools on his website, and provides real, solid, up-to-date information and practical, workable tools that will enable us to keep pace with and comfortably navigate the transition humanity is currently in the midst of. Â Find out more about Jim and his programs.
Abundance and Consciousness with Jim Self, Mastering Alchemy