The Merlin Arthur Legend continues today as we hear about Arthur as a boy and how Merlin taught Arthur the first quality of chivalry, Honor.  We’ll be talking more about honor and honesty with ourselves, specifically around the topic of sugar. Our guest today is Ame Wauters, a Certified Holistic Health Coach and author of ‘Sweet Healing: Free Your Body from Sugar Cravings and Nourish Yourself with Divine Dessert,’ where you will understand more about the toxic tyranny of sugar and how to reclaim your power and motivation by nurturing yourself. In Our ‘Brain Tip of the Week’ you’ll go on a guided visualization to meet the three faces of your ‘Inner Parent: the Critical Parent, the Indulgent Parent and the Nurturing Parent, to reveal some of your foes and reclaim connection to one of your visionary allies. Go to VoiceAmerica 7th Wave Channel and hear ‘Legendary Leaders: Answering the Higher Calling‘ Radio Show this Tuesday 3/24/15 at 1:00 pm PST, 4:00 pm EST.
Honesty and Sweet Healing