Wendy Darling, creator of the Miraculous Loving Methodâ¢, helping people achieve PERMANENT change and achieving the results they deeply desire. She specializes in enhancing relationships: whether it’s with yourself, your body (Loving Yourself Lean), your career and finances, your significant other, or assisting singles to welcome love into their life. Wendy also works with improving productivity by working with business owners, their partners and team. Wendy has over 30 years of experience as a business and life transformation expert, management and organizational development consultant, radio talk show personality, keynote speaker, and columnist. After a serious accident, Wendy opened up to her unique healing gifts and process. Combined with her laser coaching style, the transformations are profound. Change has NEVER been easier. Where previously held back, Wendyâs clients are finally FREE to live the life of their dreams, while still having the influence they have longed for. Tune in 5/27 at 11:00am PT to listen live or listen On Demand at any time.
The Power Of Love